The pastel wedding invitations were stunning! Perfect for our special day. Highly recommend Tie the Knot Paperie!

Emily Smith

Three pastel pink envelopes are arranged on a textured white surface, with two of them slightly opened. A delicate pink flower rests inside one of the opened envelopes, adding a soft and romantic touch to the composition.
Three pastel pink envelopes are arranged on a textured white surface, with two of them slightly opened. A delicate pink flower rests inside one of the opened envelopes, adding a soft and romantic touch to the composition.
A close-up of an elegantly arranged wedding invitation featuring handwritten calligraphy. Two gold wedding rings are placed on the card alongside a red wax seal. A cream-colored ribbon is artistically draped nearby, and a decorative metal dish is partially visible.
A close-up of an elegantly arranged wedding invitation featuring handwritten calligraphy. Two gold wedding rings are placed on the card alongside a red wax seal. A cream-colored ribbon is artistically draped nearby, and a decorative metal dish is partially visible.
